Friday, 27 February 2009

Some Wordpress SEO Stuff

See hardly nothing all month, and then two posts come along in quick succession just like buses.

I was having a browse through some of the blogging feeds I follow and came across this handy post on the ProBlogger site "How to Grow Your Blog to the Next Level With SEO".

Now I always find this sort of stuff interesting, I don't use all the advice they give. Mainly because of time, and I do have a life, and I am not making a living out of blogging so it is less important to me. However it does help to use some of these ideas from time to time, especially over on my main blog (

In the third Wordpress video  in the article on the ProBlogger site they mention a Power Point presentation that can be downloaded. I managed to save you the effort of finding it by finding it for you. So if you are interested here is the presentation for downloading:

SEO Mistakes Most Bloggers Make - The Power Point Slides

Finally here is an interesting article on the subject of SEO by one of the guy that did the second video in the ProBlogger article Wordpress SEO Article.

1 comment:

web design India said...

i'll be sure to bookmark your blog