Saturday, 30 May 2009

iPhone Project

Well it’s been a while since I posted on here. Readers of my other blog ( will know that I have completed my second TGO Challenge ( a west coast to east coast crossing of Scotland). Which has taken up a lot of my time in getting ready for that and then actually doing it.

Now that it is over I am now looking for work in the I.T. sector again. But with the current “economic downturn” that may be harder than I think.

But while walking the dogs round the local nature reserve on Thursday I did have an idea for an iPhone app. Well there were a couple of ideas. The first idea was for an iPhone tv guide app, that would have alerts (set up by the user). These alerts would pop up when programs you are following or maybe actors or whatever appeared in the schedule letting you know that you may want to watch or record the program.

The other iPhone app I thought of I’m not going to mention on here. At the moment I’m trying to get some backing to develop it into a commercial product. So you will understand why I’m not giving out specifics. I do have one possible interested party in the idea but it is early days still at the moment.

What I will do though is talk iPhone apps and their development in the coming weeks. You have been warned.

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