In another one of the “stating the bloody obvious” The Guardian and other newspapers and websites have been reporting “Twitter is not for teens, Morgan Stanley told by 15-year-old expert” (read the full report here).
The so called “technorati” that live in that closed bubble called London are loving the story.
No one seems to be saying “der!” What strikes me from this story is that it “generated a flurry of interest from media executives and investors.” Morgan Stanley also said “We've had dozens and dozens of fund managers, and several CEOs, e-mailing and calling all day.” How has this surprised these powerful men? I would imagine a lot of them have trophy wives and children. Some of these children may even be teenagers. So I ask again why is this such surprising news for them? I can only assume that even though they have these families that their home work life balance is so heavily skewed towards work that they don’t talk or know their own children.
Those working in the City are well known for having a long working day, in early and out late. They then also work weekends as well. Even on family holidays they tend to take work with them, and are constantly checking emails etc. So where in this life style have they had time to spend with their families? If they spoke to their teenage children then they would know all this already, or a lot of it. They have this expert in their own homes that they ignore. They use the excuse that they are keeping a roof over the heads of the family, putting food on the plate etc. But I ask at what cost?
As I write this post the lyrics for the song Cats In The Cradle keep coming to mind. Maybe these City types with families should all have this on their MP3 players and have to listen to it daily to remind them
The real news story isn’t that a 15 year old has said his peers don’t use Twitter, or own expensive smart phones, and use pay as you go. The real news story is as I pointed out that City executives do not have relationships with their families.
I’ll write about the London based “technorati” and how they are so up each others arse some other time.