Well it’s been a busy busy day. I have been registering a new domain, and setting up a website for it.
For the website I am using Wordpress as a CMS. I’m not going with the usual blog set up of when you land on the site of seeing the blog and the latest blog entries. Instead visitors will land on a static webpage.
Once the installation of Wordpress was done, it was then a matter of installing the plugins that I needed. Followed by configuring the plugins, which for one or two meant setting up appropriate accounts elsewhere. So the new site has been added to my Google Analytics account, and also the RSS feeds have been added to Feedburner.
I also spent some time looking through for a suitable theme for the new site. Which has been installed, and just in need of configuring to suit my needs. By that I mean changing default graphics, and adding the widgets to the right hand side bar that I want to be there. The really great thing about Wordpress 2.8 is that installing new themes and plugins is really simple. They have really made it easy for a non-techie to install change things.
I also have a google mail account setup now as well for this new site/enterprise. Which I have added to my iPhone so I can check the email on the move, as I do with my personal email account already.
My next task is to get content up on the site, which I have already started. I need to write copy for the welcome page, and the other pages, get my graphics and logo up. The contact page has already been done, for which I have a contact form for visitors/potential clients to email me. There is an initial blog entry up as well, which is the Facebook and MI6 post I wrote on here with an extra paragraph tagged on the end. I will also expand the last case study to a bit more detail. Plus there will be more case studies going up over there, along with some of the more suitable previous posts from here.
I still have a Facebook Fan Page to do, along with adding a FriendFeed stream, and my delicious account to the new site. These last two will hopefully add useful resources for visitors. Might also add a Twitter stream as well. Plus I almost forgot to do a LinkedIn page as well.
So much to think of and set up,so little time.
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