Saturday, 8 May 2010

UK iPad Pricing And 3G Pricing

Last week Apple released the prices of the immently arriving iPad in the UK (I'm not going to reproduce them here, they can be found easily enough online).
I don't think anyone is really surprised at the prices, we knew they wouldn't be cheaper than the US. The ripping off of the UK public over the cost of electronic goods from the US is something that has been going on for decades. And frankly it's hard to muster up any anger over the issue. After decades of being mugged, and nothing done by our politicians or Government departments about it (there was an investigation a few years back, but it was a whitewash, and lacked any teeth) I've become numb about the issue.
However there is one issue related to the iPad I haven't become numb to.
Last week Orange became the first of the UK mobile carriers to announce the costs of using an iPad 3G on their data network.
None of their tarriffs offer unlimited 3G data, although they include "free" wifi access, which on some tarriffs is also capped. Go over your capped allowance on what ever plan you choose and it's 5p/MB. Which doesn't seem too bad compared to an O2 international data roaming charge of 13p/MB. But where is the unlimited dataplan like the one I have on my iPhone? The top Orange tarriff will be £25 for 10GB. My iPhone data plan that I have to have with O2 is less than a tenner, and is billed as unlimited (it probably isn't and may have somewhere in the small print a cap).
But the point is look at the difference in what is on offer and the cost.
I'm just hoping that when O2 and Vodaphone release their iPad 3G data plans we will see something more in line with the current iPhone data plan in lines of pricing. I'm not holding my breath, I'm used to being constantly disappointed by these cartels, and the false promise of competition we are sold.

-- Could be remote blogging or just too lazy to fire up laptop/Macbook/netbook. But still this has been posted from my iPhone 3G.

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