Sunday, 26 September 2010

First Impressions Of The Galaxy S

Last weekend I had to take my middle son back to uni. It was during the trip that I got to see his new mobile, which was a Samsung Galaxy S, a member of the Google Android phone family.

The phone itself is bigger in size than the iPhone 4 that I have, but feels lighter in the hand.

My son showed me it recording video, which looked good on the screen. And I have to say the the oled screen looks good. Well when it is not viewed in direct sunlight. Then the screen is unreadable, it appears blank!!!

My son tried to use the Google Navigation app to guide us to his new house he was renting. But for some reason the GPS just didn’t seem to work, and failed to lock on to any signal to get its position. However I put this down to the fact that the phone had literally zero power left, so was not able to power the GPS part.

Over all from the short period that I had with the phone, and my discussions with my son about it, I have to say I do like the Galaxy S. It is a nice phone, and if I had a chance to buy an android phone then this would be a strong contender to see me part with my cash.

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