Thursday, 10 March 2011

My first two days with an iPad

I've had my iPad now for a couple of days and I'm loving it.
It's starting to make an impact at work. Yesterday it hardly got used during it's first day with me. Main reason was I had an observation and I couldn't let the magical device distract me with it's shiny newness.
But today without that pressure I could start using the iPad more for work. And the first task that the iPad full filled was that of a podcast recording machine.
So how did I turn my iPad into a podcasting machine?
Well the first thing you need is an app. As we know the app store has rather a lot of those. On the iPhone there is the voice recorder app (not on the iPad), but my favourite is FiRe or its full name Field Recorder. Sadly there is not a iPad version of the app. So I ran this as an iPhone app on the iPad.
Next up I needed a microphone. Now using the camera kit for the iPad I had a USB port I could plug in the USB microphone from Rock Band (I also used the mic stand).
So using the above I was able to turn the iPad into a portable podcast recording machine.

Now I know any day now that Garage Band for the iPad will hit the app store. And when it does I will get it and see how well it allows me to do the ol' podcasting sessions. What I do need is a good sound editor on the iPad. I'm hoping that Garage Band will allow me to do some but still I will hunt for an iPad app along the lines of Audacity.

Next up I produced a very simple worksheet using Pages. Now my iPad is a wifi one with no 3G, so I have the problem of transferring the document of my iPad to my PC. To get round this I had the new wifi hotspot functionality in iOS 4.3 activated on my account so I can use my iphone4 as a wifi hotspot.
So using my data connection of the iPhone I was able to share my worksheet onto and send an invite to my work email address.
Then it is a simple matter of clicking not the emailed link and printing off the PDF version of the worksheet.

Then finally I started in Keynote writing a keynote presentation ready for a lesson next week.
I'm still learning the iPad versions of the full iworks apps. And there are some things I'd like to be able to do and I need to look up to see if they are possible, and if so how do I do them. Like using my own templates instead of the default ones that come with the apps.

And now I am using blogpress to write about my use of the iPad so far. The iPad is really starting to make a big impact already it really is impressing me so far. And I'm looking forward to seeing how else I can use it at work.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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