So the app I want to talk about is Genius Scan+. I was first put on to this app (well the free version) by my friend Jamie (@raegar).
Genius Scan+ is described as turning your iPhone into a portable scanner. It boasts page detection, does correction and enhancement of images. And also turns multiple scans into single PDF documents.
It's very simple to use. To take a scan you can either use the camera in app or load in an image from your photo library.
So how would you use it? Well it does have a wide usage, basically any situation you need a scanner you could use this. However in the following example it proves how much more flexible it is.
For example last night at my evening class we did mini presentations using flip charts. So at the start of the break I went round the tables photographing the flip charts used with the iPhone camera. Then today using Genius Scan+ I cropped the photos, and combined them into a single document. I then exported the document into iBooks as a PDF. But I could have easily have put it into DropBox, Evernote, Google Docs or even email it (free version is just email and iBooks iirc).
In class often I use the wipe board to make lists, notes during a class discussion with the students. I allow the students to take photos with their phones of the finished board. This is the perfect scenario for this app. Which is not too dissimilar to my example above.
This is a great little app that makes a great addition to the classroom toolkit.
Genius Scan+ costs £1.79, and is a bargain at that price.
- Posted using BlogPress from my ZX81
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