Saturday, 28 May 2011

RIP: The fall of the Best Camera app

One of my favourite photo editing apps was the Best Camera app. But it has been replaced in my affections by other apps like Camera+ and Camera Plus Pro.
It's sad really as Best Camera had some nice touches, like being able to apply multiple filters.
What makes it worse for me is that Best Camera could of been as big as Instagram. It had the sharing of your photos, you could vote on others pictures, but sadly could not subscribe to other photographers. So kind of half way there on the social side.
And while new competitors came out like the Lisa Bettany backed Camera+, and Instagram, Best Camera failed to update and stay ahead of the group.

Best Camera had it all, it had Chase Jarvis and his book behind it, it was a pretty good app, great filters etc, had a social and sharing side. And where is it now? Lagging behind. It almost seems as if the developer and Chase Jarvis got bored with the app and are letting it just die.

It's sad to see an app go this way. I feel pretty angry really. I liked the app, I spent good money on it, I recommended it to friends when they asked for an app to use.
Oh well I just have to remember not to be fooled by Chase Jarvis and the Best Camera app developers again.

- Posted using BlogPress from my ZX81


Unknown said...

This was one of the 1st apps that I bought. Got me back into taking photographs. I liked the that the best camera was the one you had with you. Like you say it got superseded & has been left out in the wilderness. Almost I was just to get book sales

Darren Christie said...

the book was pretty good, demonstrated rather well what could be achieved with the iPhone camera at the time (I think it was a 3G he used).
Just a shame really if that was the case, he missed a trick and more money.