Friday, 31 October 2008

iPhone App Store Addiction

So how addictive is buying apps for the iPhone? Very, since getting the iPhone I have bought several apps from the iTunes app store.

The latest being Pano that allows you to take panoramic photos with the iPhone camera.

Sadly for Apple they forgot (I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt here) to add demo version functionality to the app store. So it helps that a lot of the apps you can buy are low cost, or even free.

The same simple click and buy that was there for music is now there for apps. So it becomes very easy to purchase stuff as you browse the app store.

What has surprised me is the high quality of some of these apps. As I have said in a previous post I actually prefer to access Facebook via the iPhone app than using the web site. 

Compared to my old T-Mobile rebadged HTC phone running Windows Mobile, where the apps seemed very hit and miss. The iPhone apps are a dream. You actually feel you are able to do tasks effectively on the road without fighting the hardware you are using.

Maybe the mobile road warrior will be a reality in the future, something to think on.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

WEB BASED GAME: Mr Mucky Pest Controller

Well here is another little benefit of Twitter you get put onto fun little games like this one from time to time. Reminds me of a Robotron type game (see that dates me immediately). But this one is simpler in game play, and just one of the many casual games you can play on-line. Not too sure about the Sexpest level and the way that the flashers attack. Is it because I am a prude? But fun none the less if you want to be entertained for five minutes pop on over and have a game or two.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

UK Government Wants To Be Bigger Than Big Brother

Wow Terrorists could be using Social Media sites like Twitter to plot the next attack. Well I have news for you they are also using the rest of the Internet as well, along with probably encryption software. They probably use VOIP, instant messaging, mobile phones, land lines, cars, planes, boats and bikes. I heard they even buy food and eat it as well.

But does this warrant an ever increasing invasion of our privacy by the British Government? There are plans as reported in the BBC news story (if they have their facts right, which they may not always have, as they proved at the weekend, but that is another story) for the British Government to store even more data about us in a big central database. This time to monitor web sites visited and all phone calls made.

But let's face it the British Government hasn't exactly proved it is trustworthy with our private data and keeping control of who has access to it, or how these laws to fight terrorists are kept in check.

In the last year I have lost count the number of times that Government departments or their contractors have lost vital personal details of thousands of people. Data that if fallen into the wrong hands could allow these people to be victims of identity theft. I don't remember it being reported that those responsible for the loss of the data being sacked (which would of happened in the real world). There just seems to be no accountability within the Government or their departments.

There have also been cases when local councils have used laws designed to fight terrorists to spy on members of the public. Some of the cases reported were to catch benefit fraud, others litter droppers, dog fouling or anti social behaviour. Not exactly what the law was intended for I think. So why hasn't the Government cracked down on this? Why hasn't the law been changed to protect the people from this intrusion?

So with a proven track record of being incapable of  looking after important data, and not able to protect the public from inappropriate application of the terrorist laws. Can we really trust them to look after any new database, and control how that information is used, or who has access to it?

I also fear that these measures will also create a two tier Internet. The hacker/IT aware user and the Joe public. Yes I know you can argue that it already has that. But it will be even more obvious. The hacker/IT aware would use anonymous proxy servers etc to hide where they have been on the Internet etc. While the Joe public will have all their Internet usage monitored, recorded and used against them.

But also what is stopping the terrorists from using the same technology as the hacker/IT aware to hide their tracks? Nothing. So once more the database becomes useless for it's alleged intended use, and more a database that can be used against the very people it is meant to be protecting.

With that scary thought I'll leave you until next time...

UPDATE: Just came across this other BBC story "You can run... but can you hide?" that delves into how easy it is to access all this data the UK Government has on us. If you missed the Panorama program last night like me, you have seven days to catch it on the BBC iplayer.

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Blog Metrics Article - A New Way To Measure Blogs?

This is the article I referred to in my my reply to a comment left by Andy Howell for why I use a Blog Metrics plugin on my self hosted wordpress blog  "Blog Metrics: Six Recommendations For Measuring Your Success".

At the moment this little experiment I am running over there is in early days. But I'm sure I will report back on it at sometime in the future.

In the meantime have a read, leave a comment. And we we can have a discussion about it.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Interesting Article On Social Media Consultants

Maybe it's just me because I want to be employed in this area of the industry, or as an online community manager. But I found the following article "The True Value of Social Media Consultants" very interesting, and thought it would be of value to folks in decision making positions to read.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Blogger Less Than Perfect

I've added a contact section on the right. But it's not perfect. In fact just to get that was a hassle.

The widget that is available is unusable and complains that the email address is not valid in an annoying dialog box that won't go away.

So you have to resort to hacks, which are less than perfect and mostly rely on third parties. I don't like relying on third parties for something so important as this (I know I using a third party to host the blog).

In the end I had to hack some JavaScript I found on the web to get what you see now. So you get a form, that then makes a call to your default email client to populate an email for you when you click submit. Which you then have to click send on. What a pain. I can see myself taking the template and then hosting pages on the site to give me functionality I can't have on Blogger like pages, and contact forms!

So what's all this about not having pages in Blogger? Really this is a basic functionality that should be available without having to fiddling it. Placing a post in the far and distant past and linking to it is not good enough.

Oh well what did I expect for a free service?

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Dimdim Free Online Meetings

See there is a positive side to following people on Twitter. If I hadn't been following Kathy Johnson I would of missed finding out about this great open source site for those that want to host web meetings called Dimdim.
I've been thinking of this sort of thing since Leo Laporte started running spots for a sponsor of his shows called GoToMeeting. You can sign up for a 30 Day Free Trial etc. But there was a nagging doubt about just what, how, could I use it? That put me off signing up. I just didn't want to waste the free trial period.
From the look of it Dimdim looks a great alternative. All I have to do now is work out how I can use this technology that works for my needs at the moment.

PS. Looking at the GoToMeeting site they also do another useful product called GoToWebinar for Webinars. I wonder if there is an open source version of this in development?

Motorola Google Social Network Phone

Yesterday the online buzz on the tech news blogs was all about the planned new social network based Android phone (Gizmodo story) due out sometime next year.
But surely this phone already exists, just it doesn't use Google Android, and it's not from Motorola? Yes I'm talking about the iPhone. With a couple of free apps off the app store the iPhone can be transformed into a social network platform that is a dream to use.
Ok I give you that the Motorola phone will have these apps most likely installed and ready for use out of the box. However it's not a hardship to get the apps from the app store now is it?
Before I got the iPhone 3G I hardly used Facebook, was struggling with Twitter (especially after they switched off the SMS service in the UK) and had only just discovered LinkedIn.
The apps I installed Twitterrific for Twitter, the Facebook app, and the LinkedIn app have transformed the way I use these social networks. The O2 plans you sign upto all include unlimited data so Twitter once more becomes a useable service in the UK with the iPhone and Twitterrific. Feed your Twitter feed into Facebook, and it looks like you are also a Facebook addict. But in reality I nearly am, because the iPhone Facebook app has such a great user interface that I don't mind using Facebook now.
If the Motorola apps match the iPhone ones then I think they will have a winner on their hands, that may just compete with the iPhone as the mobile social network platform of choice for people. In the meantime there is in my opinion only one platform for mobile social networking and that is the iPhone.

First Post

Welcome to this new blog, which is "yet another tech blog". Yes I know just what the world needed on the interweb.
There is a logic behind this for me starting a tech blog up. I couldn't talk about it on my other blog, which is all about the outdoors ( It would just be out of place.
So from time to time you will get me commenting on Tech stories that inspire me to have a say on them. I'm not sure how often I will update this blog. I have a couple of post ideas already. But after that who knows.
Please bare with me as I find my voice and style on this blog. Hopefully we will have some fun and laughs along the way.

Catch ya later...