Friday, 31 October 2008

iPhone App Store Addiction

So how addictive is buying apps for the iPhone? Very, since getting the iPhone I have bought several apps from the iTunes app store.

The latest being Pano that allows you to take panoramic photos with the iPhone camera.

Sadly for Apple they forgot (I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt here) to add demo version functionality to the app store. So it helps that a lot of the apps you can buy are low cost, or even free.

The same simple click and buy that was there for music is now there for apps. So it becomes very easy to purchase stuff as you browse the app store.

What has surprised me is the high quality of some of these apps. As I have said in a previous post I actually prefer to access Facebook via the iPhone app than using the web site. 

Compared to my old T-Mobile rebadged HTC phone running Windows Mobile, where the apps seemed very hit and miss. The iPhone apps are a dream. You actually feel you are able to do tasks effectively on the road without fighting the hardware you are using.

Maybe the mobile road warrior will be a reality in the future, something to think on.

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