Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Motorola Google Social Network Phone

Yesterday the online buzz on the tech news blogs was all about the planned new social network based Android phone (Gizmodo story) due out sometime next year.
But surely this phone already exists, just it doesn't use Google Android, and it's not from Motorola? Yes I'm talking about the iPhone. With a couple of free apps off the app store the iPhone can be transformed into a social network platform that is a dream to use.
Ok I give you that the Motorola phone will have these apps most likely installed and ready for use out of the box. However it's not a hardship to get the apps from the app store now is it?
Before I got the iPhone 3G I hardly used Facebook, was struggling with Twitter (especially after they switched off the SMS service in the UK) and had only just discovered LinkedIn.
The apps I installed Twitterrific for Twitter, the Facebook app, and the LinkedIn app have transformed the way I use these social networks. The O2 plans you sign upto all include unlimited data so Twitter once more becomes a useable service in the UK with the iPhone and Twitterrific. Feed your Twitter feed into Facebook, and it looks like you are also a Facebook addict. But in reality I nearly am, because the iPhone Facebook app has such a great user interface that I don't mind using Facebook now.
If the Motorola apps match the iPhone ones then I think they will have a winner on their hands, that may just compete with the iPhone as the mobile social network platform of choice for people. In the meantime there is in my opinion only one platform for mobile social networking and that is the iPhone.

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