Thursday, 6 November 2008

Blogging/Web 2.0 Reading List

Below is a list of books I recommend to read about blogging, Web 2.0, and SEO even Web Metrics. Some of these are clearly aimed at the corporate/business reader. But some of the points and suggestions still hold true for the regular blogger as well.  BTW these are not in any particular order of preference.

1. Wikinomics - by Don Tapscott  & Anthony . Williams

Publisher: Atlantic Books, ISBN-10: 184354637X , ISBN-13: 978-1843546375

2. Blogging Heroes - by Michael A. Banks

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, ISBN-10: 0470197390 ,ISBN-13: 978-0470197394

3. Naked Conversations - by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons ,ISBN-10: 047174719X ,ISBN-13: 978-0471747192

4. The Corporate Blogging Book - by Debbie Weil

Publisher: Piatkus Books ,ISBN-10: 0749927437 ,ISBN-13: 978-0749927431

5. Get into bed with Google - by Jon Smith

Publisher: Infinite Ideas Limited ,ISBN-10: 1905940491 ,ISBN-13: 978-1905940493

6. Tribes - by Seth Godin

Publisher: Piatkus Books ,ISBN-10: 0749939753 ,ISBN-13: 978-0749939755

7. Problogger - by Darren Rowse, Chris Garrett

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons ,ISBN-10: 0470246677 ,ISBN-13: 978-0470246672

8. Groundswell - by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff

Publisher: Harvard Business School Press ,ISBN-10: 1422125009 , ISBN-13: 978-1422125007

9. The Blogging Church - by Brian Bailey and Terry Storch

Publisher: Jossey Bass ,ISBN-10: 0787984876 ,ISBN-13: 978-0787984878

10. Advanced Web Metrics with Google Analytics - by Brian Clifton

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons ,ISBN-10: 0470253126 ,ISBN-13: 978-0470253120

11. Web Analytics: An Hour a Day - by Avinash Kaushik

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; Pap/Cdr edition ,ISBN-10: 0470130652 ,ISBN-13: 978-0470130650

I have a few more on my bookshelf that I would recommend and I will list them in a future post. I've not said anything about each book, follow the links to find out more about each one. The links can say so much more than I can about them.

If you have any recommendations or think I have missed one please leave a comment.

Remember in these tough economic times don't pay full price use the Amazon New and Used section to make BIG savings.

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