Monday, 3 November 2008

iMovie '08 Copying Audio

For one or two of my up and coming video projects for I needed to find out how to take audio from one clip and use it in another. So a quick Google and I managed to stumble upon this great iMovie '08 site called Unlocking iMovie '08. It looks like the blog hasn't been updated for a little while but the information is still there and useful.

The tutorial/posting on this blog I was reading to achieve what I wanted is here. While I'm also doing links you might find the following little video on the Apple website useful as well "Apple Audio Editing Clip".

PS I heard that iMovie '06 is available for download and is free. Apparently you can have this installed alongside the '08 version. Why would you do this? Once again apparently there are some features not available in '08 but they are in '06! But I can't confirm this because '08 is the first version I have used (I'm relatively new to the Mac). (Download iMovie 6 here) Also cool article "Make iMovie ’08 work your way" that touches on this as well.

PPS Can anyone recommend a good iMovie '08 book?

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